Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A few more Sewing Things

So I was gone for two weeks on a mini "vacation". Anyway... because I was gone I dropped the ball on the whole cleaning thing. I should start it up again. Maybe on the first (which is Friday) but I'm also doing a sew-along type thing. So once a week (hopefully!) I'll be blogging about something I've sewn. Plus! I'm going to a sewing-get-together on Monday with some new friends. Oh it should be pretty fun, if Abigail behaves and plays quietly, that is.

Anywho! Here's what a made in the past few days (plus a throw pillow, but it doesn't have the buttons yet, so no picture for you):
First up is the dress. I fell in love with this fabric, but originally wanted the flower border to be at the bottom of the dress. But alas, I was about 1/4 yard short, and of course my Hancocks sold out of it! So I improvised, and made my own pattern. After a few dozen seams being ripped out, and completely changing the bottom half, I have something that I'm at least partially happy with.

I also whipped up a couple hot pads during nap time. I think the batting I used was too thin, but at least they're cute, right? I've had that fabric sitting around a few years... I've always loved it but I never knew what to do with it.

Tada! Hope you enjoy, ladies!

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