Wednesday, December 8, 2010

an update on that afghan!

I am halfway through! I've got 5 1/2 rows done, and want 10. Whew! I just have to get it done before Christmas! There's no way around it... I don't have a "backup" gift for my sister if this isn't finished. So now I'm weaving in loose ends (literally) until I can get to Walmart for another skein of each color.

In other news, I've made my first pair of babylegs! They were so easy, its crazy. I didn't get any pictures though, so you'll just have to wait...

Also, I'm going to TRY and get some blocks sewn for Abigail. I bought a charm pack off ebay for a couple bucks, and couldn't figure out what to make with those blocks of fabric! Then it came to me: fabric blocks! So I just sew them all together (six per block, duh) and stuff with filling. Easy right? Yeah, now if only I can find the time! We're in the middle of moving, man. And its rough to spread out my time between crafts, cleaning, cooking, packing, and baby.

In other news, I have my first follower! Woohoo!

Friday, November 12, 2010

What I've added to my play mat, and my new project

Whew, today has been long and tiring! My husband wasn't able to come home for lunch, so I didn't get a break from my little girl. And she was FUSSY. I've been having to supplement with formula, but changed the brand we used. I think transferring her over caused some tummy aches. She refused to sleep all afternoon! I'm trying to finish my latest project before Christmas. Eeek. Doing that with a 7-week-old is no easy task, let me tell you! And tomorrow I've got another baby shower, so hopefully that won't take up too much time. I guess we'll see... Anyway, here are a few pictures of things I've added to the play mat I'm trying to make for my baby girl.
I made this "flower" with pieces of leftover ribbon from another project, and a big button. It was hard to sew through all that ribbon! Next time I'll probably just glue it all together, instead.
I also sewed on some random buttons, just to catch her eye and make her curious once she's a little older! I am still planning on putting on some shapes attached by ribbon so she can pick them up and play. And also maybe a pocket or too. We'll just have to wait and see...

And this (Drum roll please!) is my newest project. A hexagon afghan! These are so quick, and fun to make up. They are crocheted by the way, because its easier than knitting. :)This is just a photo so you can see the size. The link for this pattern is here. I am using a smaller hook, because its what I could find at the time. Hey, I'm a new mom and just slightly scatterbrained!

Alright, I'm off to feed Abigail and watch a movie with my husband! I'll update again when I have more added to my play mat, and the hexagons are crocheted into strips. :) Let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Recent Projects:

So this is my most recent project, although I'm picking up something else tomorrow. Its a play mat for my little girl. I'm doing it all by hand-no sewing machine! And I'm making my own pattern. I'll sew on buttons and little "play" things for her to look at and touch later. Its basically a mini quilt. There's four squares, with a thin batting in the middle. Then I'll sew through the layers, like you would a quilt, by hand. So far so good!

I'm starting an afghan for a family member for Christmas too. I'll post pictures of it as I go, but basically it's all these little hexagons put together. It'll be pretty bomb, I think.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Puppy Chow and Granola

I spent my day off in front of the TV and over the stove. :)
The first thing I made was Puppy Chow, I took a generic recipe and kind of made it my own. Well, actually I just altered the ratio so it was the way I liked it. My version of the recipe is bellow:

about 1 (15 oz) box of cheerios
2 cups chocolate chips (I always use semi-sweet)
1 1/4 cups peanut butter
3 cups powdered sugar

Dump cereal into large bowl and set aside. Melt peanut butter, chocolate and butter together over stove. Pour over cereal and mix well. Let sit in fridge about 20 minutes. Pour cereal mixture into a walmart bag (I usually double bag it just in case). Pour powdered sugar over cereal, tie bag tightly and shake well, until cereal is fully covered. Store in airtight container.

There's granola in the oven right now and tomorrow I'll let you know how it turned out. I love making stuff that's easy to be creative with. The recipe above is great with pretzels and M&Ms added too! And granola is really easy to tweak until you like it. I'm not brave enough to just come up with my own recipes on the spot, so I feel like a real cook when I can make it my own.