Do you ever look around and just feel discouraged? You feel like no matter how much you work, your house will never be clean? Ah, so is the life of a parent! I hear you, because I often feel the same way. Some nights I go to bed thinking "did I even clean today?" I know, sometimes you don't have time to clean. Sometimes the laundry
has to take a backseat to everything else. Sometimes dishes
do sit in the sink for two days, and yes, sometimes the vacuum
doesn't get run for a week (or two). You are not alone! Together we can beat this monster! Join me?
Cleaning Day One: The Living Room Floor Is For Furniture!Today will simply consist of one thing: pick up everything off the living room floor. Make a list of things that should be on the floor, and then eliminate everything else. My list is as follows:
- Couches
- Telivision stand
- Baby exersaucer
- Baby jumperoo
- Xbox
Everything else should be picked up and stored elsewhere. The key here is not to move the random misplaced things to another part of the house, but to really be put away. I know its tempting to pick up the scissors and random papers and just set them on the table instead, but really, the goal is to put it
away. Can't find a place? Stack everything neatly in one pile (or in a box) and google ways to store those certain items.


TADA! I know, it looked awful before, right? But I bet my husband will be so happy to see it when he gets home from work tonight!
And I do have to add that I made a little pile in front of Abby's door of stuff to put away after she wakes up from her nap.
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