Whew, today has been long and tiring! My husband wasn't able to come home for lunch, so I didn't get a break from my little girl. And she was FUSSY. I've been having to supplement with formula, but changed the brand we used. I think transferring her over caused some tummy aches. She refused to sleep all afternoon! I'm trying to finish my latest project before Christmas. Eeek. Doing that with a 7-week-old is no easy task, let me tell you! And tomorrow I've got another baby shower, so hopefully that won't take up
too much time. I guess we'll see... Anyway, here are a few pictures of things I've added to the play mat I'm trying to make for my baby girl.

I made this "flower" with pieces of leftover ribbon from another project, and a big button. It
was hard to sew through all that ribbon! Next time I'll probably just glue it all together, instead.

I also sewed on some random buttons, just to catch her eye and make her curious once she's a little older! I am still planning on putting on some shapes attached by ribbon so she can pick them up and play. And also maybe a pocket or too. We'll just have to wait and see...
this (Drum roll please!) is my newest project. A hexagon afghan! These are so quick, and fun to make up. They are crocheted by the way, because its easier than knitting. :)

This is just a photo so you can see the size. The link for this pattern is
here. I am using a smaller hook, because its what I could find at the time. Hey, I'm a new mom and just slightly scatterbrained!
Alright, I'm off to feed Abigail and watch a movie with my husband! I'll update again when I have more added to my play mat, and the hexagons are crocheted into strips. :) Let me know if you have any questions!